What Concerns Are There About Open Source Programs?

Open source programs have become an essential tool in today’s world of software development. Software that allows for public viewing, modification, and enhancement of its code is referred to as an open-source program. This is typically developed by the locals and is updated and maintained by volunteers.

Depending on what the developers have done, there are multiple licenses available for the use of open source programs. Its openness and transparency have sped up development, promoted innovation, and cut expenses. However, despite being the cornerstone of the software industry, it is something that comes with flaws and difficulties. 

Keep reading, as this article focuses on what concerns are there about open source programs, categorizing them into security and operational risks, and looks at ways to reduce each!

Concerns About Using Open Source Programs

Open source programs or software carry a number of risks, including certain cybersecurity problems, due to its community production and generally unregulated distribution.

Let’s have a look at two of the most common risks associated with open source software:

1. Security Risks

Although open source programs are not immune to security threats, understanding these flaws is essential for securing software supply chains.

Known Vulnerabilities:

Open source software has a high security risk due to unknown vulnerabilities. Endor Lab’s analysis from 2023 outlined a number of issues with open-source software. It shows that they frequently pose the weakest link in the software supply chain. This risk develops when a part’s version has weak code, which is often mistakenly added by developers.

The integrity, safety, or accessibility of a system or its data may be compromised by exploiting such vulnerabilities. Examples include CVE-2017-5638 in Apache Struts, which led to the breach of Equifax’s data, and CVE-2021-44228 in Apache Log4j, also known as Log4Shell.

Endor Labs advises regularly scanning open source software for known weaknesses and prioritizing discoveries to ensure efficient resource allocation in order to reduce the risk of known vulnerabilities.

Compromise of Legitimate Packages:

The second biggest risk to open source is when legitimate packages are compromised. Attackers can enter already-running, legitimate projects or distribution infrastructure to insert malicious code into a component. For example, the SolarWinds cyberattack came about as a result of a legitimate package being compromised.

This risk can be avoided by keeping an eye on and protecting project attributes including source code repositories, maintainer accounts, release frequency, and the number of downstream users.

Name Confusion Attacks:

“Name Confusion Attacks”, when attackers build components with names resembling valid open source system components, are the third main open source program security issue. This includes brandjacking (reputable author impersonation), typosquatting (names with similar sounds), and experimenting with naming patterns in various ecosystems or languages. 

The Colourama attack is an example of a typosquatting attack that redirects Bitcoin transfers to a wallet under the attacker’s control.

Organizations must carefully evaluate code characteristics both before and after installation, as well as closely examine project attributes, in order to prevent name confusion attacks.

2. Operational Risks

The functionality and maintenance of open source programs are subject to operational risks, which may cause major challenges for software supply chains.

Unmaintained Software:

One of the biggest operational risks for open source programs is unmaintained software, which refers to components or versions of parts that are no longer being actively developed. Since there are no patches available for functional and security issues as a result of this lack of maintenance, downstream developers must provide solutions. This exposes systems to additional work and longer resolution times.

To lower this risk, one must be attentive and have the capacity to spot and fix problems with potentially abandoned or unsupported components. 

Outdated Program:

Outdated programs, as opposed to maintained software, use older versions of components even while newer versions are readily available. Using a version that is old can make it more difficult to upgrade in a hurry during an emergency. Additionally, older releases might not have had the same amount of security review as more recent ones.

Companies must monitor updates carefully and evaluate compatibility to achieve seamless transitions in order to reduce the risk of using out-of-date software.

Untracked Dependencies:

When project developers are unaware of a component’s dependency, untracked dependencies happen. This may be the result of it not being listed in the software bill of materials for an upstream component, program part analysis tools might miss it, or package management might not have set it up.

Dealing with untracked dependencies demands a detailed assessment and comparison of program component analysis tools to guarantee precise bills of materials.


How to Protect Your Open Source Program Ecosystem

It’s crucial that you stick to best practices and put the appropriate tools and procedures in place if you want to safeguard your business and yourself. Here’s how to effectively secure your open source program ecosystem:

1. Use Proper Tools

  • Create DevSec teams so that security measures can be incorporated from the beginning of your Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Organizations can use automation tools, such as DAST and SAST, to monitor the security of open-source components. They help in locating vulnerabilities and guarantee their security.

2. Create Comprehensive Policies

  • Set strict rules that demand an in-depth review of open source components. The history of an element, including the frequency of known issues and the turnaround time for fixing noticed flaws, should be considered as part of these policies.
  • Develop guidelines for your organization’s use of open source software that specify the sources and license types that are authorized. This ensures that all open source components adhere to the relevant security and legal requirements.


Unquestionably, open source programs are the bedrock of modern software development, enabling unmatched levels of invention and teamwork. It is not without concern, though, as the Endor Lab report makes clear. Companies must be cautious in fixing known vulnerabilities, guarding against the breach of a genuine package, and defending against name confusion attacks.

The open source community must work collaboratively to address these concerns and continue to utilize the numerous benefits that open source programs offer.

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